Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro
Standardization services in Mongolia were established in 1953 and are handled today for the whole country by the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM).

MASM is a National Standards and Metrology Body. Its Chairman is appointed by the Government of Mongolia and reports to the Deputy Prime Minister's Office. The highest decision-making organ of MASM is its Council, with 21 members - representatives of the Ministries, nongovernmental organizations, scientific academia and industries.

The aim of MASM in standardization is to contribute to the development of the Mongolian society, economy, industry and trade by establishing standards on the basis of mutual understanding and voluntary agreement between parties in governmental authorities, industry and business, with regard to consumers' rights, and in continuously developing standardization activities aligned to the market system.

The preparation, application and promotion of national standards are set out in the Mongolian law on "Standardization and Conformity Assessment", adopted in 2003.

MASM approves and publishes all Mongolian standards, represents Mongolia in international standardization within ISO, and is the Mongolian WTO/TBT Enquiry point.

Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology

Bayanzurkh District
Peace Avenue-46A
P.O. Box 48
13343 Ulaanbaatar

Tel.: +976 11 458349
Fax: +976 11 458032
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