Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro

In Sweden, standardisation is carried out by three standardisation bodies: Swedish Institute for Standards, SIS, for business areas covered by ISO and CEN; ITS (Svenska Informations- och Telekommunikations- Standardiseringen) for all telecom standardisation and SEK (Svensk Elstandard) for all standards concerning electrical, electronic and related technologies.

Swedish Institute for Standards, SIS, represents Sweden in international standardisation within ISO and CEN. SIS consists of two main areas: one that develops Swedish standards and contributes to the development of international standards and one that publishes and sells standards and manuals, offering training and counseling services.

SIS works closely with the private sector, Swedish authorities, consumer representatives and other stakeholders. As a non-profit organisation, SIS promotes Swedish participation in international standardisation activities in order to give Swedish organisations the opportunity to influence the content of international standards.’

Swedish Institute for Standards

P.O. Box 45443
SE-SE-104 31 Stockholm

Tel.: +46 8 55 55 20 00 / +46 8 555 520 00
Fax: +46 8 55 55 20 01 / +46 8 555 520 01
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Participación de TC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador

Participación de PDC

Miembro participante