ISO 3070-1-1:2007 specifies, with reference to ISO 230-1 and ISO 230-2, geometric tests, machining tests and tests for checking the accuracy and repeatability of positioning by numerical control of general purpose, normal accuracy, horizontal spindle boring and milling machines having a fixed column and movable table. ISO 3070-1:2007 also specifies the applicable tolerances corresponding to these tests.
ISO 3070-1:2007 concerns machines having have both longitudinal (Z axis) and transverse (X axis) movement of the table, a vertical movement of the spindle head (Y axis), movement of the boring spindle or ram (W axis) and, possibly, a feed movement of radial facing slide in the facing head (U axis), and that may include a rotary or indexing table.
ISO 3070-1:2007 deals only with the verification of the accuracy of the machine. It does not apply to the operational testing of the machine (e.g. vibration, abnormal noise, stick-slip motion of components) nor to machine characteristics (e.g. speeds, feeds), as such checks are generally carried out before testing the accuracy.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2007-12Etapa: Norma Internacional confirmada [90.93]
Edición: 3Número de páginas: 51
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 39/SC 2ICS :25.080.20
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Ciclo de vida
RetiradaISO 3070-0:1982
RetiradaISO 3070-2:1997