Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 18646-8
Robotics — Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots — Part 8: Electric vehicle charging robots
Reference number
ISO/CD 18646-8
Edition 1
Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 18646-8
El comité está revisando un borrador.


This document describes methods of specifying and evaluating the performances of electric vehicle charging robots, notably: —vehicle coupler connection; —plug-in and plug-out force; —parking error tolerance; —light intensity adaptability; This document is not applicable to wireless charging systems for electric vehicles. This document is not intended for the verification or validation of safety requirements.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Estudio de CD iniciado [30.20]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 299
  • RSS actualizaciones

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