Wellington, New Zealand
How government think about regulation in the 21st century is changing. This workshop will bring together standardizers and regulators to look at how standards can play a part in regulatory stewardship, a innovative and proactive approach for government regulatory agencies.
This workshop will focus on how International Standards for services can enable new technologies and business models in the services sector, concentrating on areas such as artificial intelligence and Big Data, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and blockchain.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Conference of the International Cooperation about Education in Standardization (ICES) and the Academic Day of the World Standards Cooperation (WSC) of IEC, ISO and ITU.
London, United Kingdom
Do you work in the insurance sector? Do you want to know how standards can help you minimize insurance losses? Join us in London to explore the role and benefits of conformity assessment standards in managing risk for the insurance industry.
Vancouver, Canada
This regional workshop will bring together stakeholders to address the challenges, gaps and opportunities for standardization in the services sector.
L’Assemblée générale 2018 de l’ISO est axée sur le partage de connaissances et d’idées nouvelles et innovantes quant à la manière dont les Normes internationales peuvent contribuer à la réalisation du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030.
Berlin, Germany
The 2017 ISO Week in Germany invited more than 500 delegates and accompanying persons from ISO's 163 member countries.