ISO 14046:2014 Water footprint success package
Page de couverture: ISO 14046:2014 Water footprint success package
ISO 14046:2014 Water footprint success package

Enhance your water footprint management

What's included in the ISO 14046:2014 success package for SMEs?

  • ISO 14046:2014 - Environmental management — Water footprint — Principles, requirements and guidelines: The core requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a water footprint management system. 
  • ISO 14046 - Environmental management - Water footprint - A practical guide for SMEs: A step-by-step guide tailored for organizations, providing practical tips, examples, and templates to help you implement ISO 14046:2014 effectively. 

ISO 14046:2014 Water footprint success package

ISO 14046:2014 Water footprint success package
CHF 178
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    CHF 198
    ISO 140146:2014 success package
    CHF 178
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Why choose the ISO 14046 water footprint success package for SMEs?

Comprehensive water footprint management

The ISO 14046:2014 standard provides a robust framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a water footprint management system. It helps you systematically manage your water use and pollution, ensuring that your organization can consistently reduce its water footprint.

Enhanced strategic direction and leadership

Align your water footprint efforts with your organization's strategic direction. The ISO 14046:2014 standard helps you define your water management vision, strategy, and objectives, ensuring that your water footprint activities support your overall business goals.

Improved collaboration and culture

Foster a culture of water stewardship within your organization. The ISO 14046:2014 standard emphasizes the importance of collaboration, both internally and externally, and helps you create an environment that supports sustainable water use.

Effective risk management and resource allocation

Manage risks and allocate resources effectively. The ISO 14046:2014 standard provides guidance on identifying and managing risks associated with water use and pollution, as well as ensuring that you have the necessary resources to support your water footprint efforts.

Continuous improvement and learning

Continuously improve your water footprint management system. The ISO 14046:2014 standard includes mechanisms for monitoring, measuring, and evaluating your water footprint activities, ensuring that you can continuously learn and improve your water management processes.

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