This document provides the insight of a non-destructive technique (NDT), Gammatography which is a higher sensitive and reliable NDT method that avoids larger exposures while testing the integrity of various shielding structures. This standard details its advantages over other methods and provides procedure to carry out Gammatography detailing all the requirements. Testing of integrity of a variety of shielding structures from liquid level to in-situ testing of reactor components, testing of shielding structures comprising of layers of different materials, testing of mockup structures to qualify a concrete or lead pouring technique is possible using Gammatography. The principle of the technique, equipment, pre examination and personnel requirements, examination method and measurement procedure, data interpretation and presentation, field problems, quality control for system performance/sensitivity and caution to be followed are the scope of this document.
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État actuel: ProjetStade: Nouveau projet approuvé [10.99]
Edition: 1
Comité technique :ISO/TC 135/SC 5
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