Humans operate in a world where change is constant, and where challenges and disruptions can be global in scale. Technology tools, as we know them today, have proliferated tremendously including those for digital learning and development activities and processes.
To be well positioned within this global, challenging and exciting working environment, one must have a clear and agile digital learning solutions (DLS) strategy that defines goals and delivers a clear implementation and change management plan, whilst allowing one to anticipate changes and adapt quickly to the world around us. Any organization’s knowledge transfer efforts are enhanced by blending traditional on-site or classroom models with virtual digital learning.
The ISO Central Secretariat developed the DLS Toolkit - which includes a unified collection of processes, tools and case studies - to support ISO members in developing and implementing their own specific DLS strategy that should be tailored to meet their specific needs. The ISO DLS Toolkit can become the starting point for the ISO member’s DLS strategy or support implementation of their strategy if one already exists. There are three versions of the ISO DLS Toolkit, customized to meet the needs of the different audiences (inquirers, explorers and experienced).
The 90-minute webinars will provide ISO members with an overview of the development, deployment, and maintenance of digital learning solutions in their own organizations.
During the webinars, the two facilitators will use several interactive techniques to keep the participants engaged, including pre-recorded videos, question & answer sessions, polling questions, and exercises. In total, three webinars will be organized to accommodate the different time zones of the ISO members with simultaneous interpretation services, where the participant can join the event either by region or by language.
Target audience
These webinars will be useful primarily for the staff of ISO members who are engaged in the areas of information technology, training services as well as human resources.

Registration information
Webinar 1
Thursday 02 December 2021 from 16:00 to 17:30 CET
English with Spanish interpretation
Open to all ISO members and their stakeholders in Caribbean, North America, South and Central America
Registration Webinar 1Webinar 2
Wednesday 08 December 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 CET
English with French interpretation
Open to all ISO members and their stakeholders in the Middle East and North Africa, Central and Western Africa, Europe
Registration Webinar 2Webinar 3
Thursday 09 December 2021 from 09:30 to 11:00 CET
English with Russian interpretation
Open to all ISO members and their stakeholders in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Eastern and Southern Africa, East, South-East and South Asia, Pacific Island Countries
Registration Webinar 3