Standards for the food and agriculture sector ensure the safety, quality, and sustainability of food products and farming practices. Covering everything from machinery and production to packaging and traceability, they drive innovation, harmonize practices, and tackle global challenges like food security.


Climate change: What it is, how it works and why it’s important

News today is rife with reminders of how climate change is affecting people around the world, from wildfires and floods to the loss of biodiversity and even human lives. But what exactly is climate change?

The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.
Smart farming: the transformative potential of data-driven agriculture
Smart farming and precision agriculture leverage technologies like agricultural drones, robotics, IoT sensors, GPS and farm management information systems to improve production efficiency.

Top standards

Oriental leaf tobacco — Determination of form and size characteristics

Agricultural irrigation equipment — Sprayers — General requirements and test methods

Irrigation equipment — Irrigation sprayers — General requirements and test methods

Machinery for agriculture — Wheels with integral hub

Mechanical vibrations — Land vehicles — Method for reporting measured data

Cereals and milled cereal products — Determination of the viscosity of flour — Method using an amylograph