Organizations in cooperation with ISO
Acronym | Name |
A-PBA | Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association |
AAA | Asian Apicultural Association |
AAC | Aluminium Anodizers Council |
AACEi | AACE International |
AATCC | American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists |
AAUS | American Academy of Underwater Sciences |
ABC4Trust | ABC4Trust - Attribute-based Credentials for Trust |
ABSA | American Biological Safety Association |
ABU | Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union |
ACCA | Association of Chartered Certified Accountants |
ACCT | Association for Challenge Course Technology |
ACI | Airport Council International |
ACi_ | Association of Corporate Investigators |
ACM SIGPLAN-HILT | Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Ada |
ACTUS | Financial Research Foundation, Inc. |
Ada-Europe | Ada-Europe |
ADBank | Asian Development Bank |
ADRC | Asian Disaster Reduction Center |
AEA_Ammonia Energy Association | Ammonia Energy Association |
AEF | Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation |
AEM | World Manufacturer Code - AEM | Association of Equipment Manufacturers |
AEQ | European Association of Manufacturers of Quality Metal Expansion Joints, Metal Bellow and Metal Hoses |
Aerospace & Defense PLM Action Group | Aerospace & Defense PLM Action Group |
AES | Audio Engineering Society |
AFACT | Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business |
AFCA | Asian Financial Cooperation Association |
AFECOR | European Control Manufacturers Association |
AFPC | Advanced Function Presentation Consortium |
African EF | AEF |
AfWA | African Water Association |
AgGateway | AgGateway |
AGICOA | The Association for the International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works |
AIB_Association of Issuing Bodies | Association of Issuing Bodies ivzw |
AIDIS | Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering |
AIHA | American Industrial Hygiene Association |
AIIC | International Association of Conference Interpreters |
AILA | International Association of Applied Linguistics |
AIM Global | Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility |
AIMF | International Association of Francophone Mayors |
AIPC | International Association of Convention Centres |
AISE | International Association for Soaps, Detergent and Maintenance Products |
AIT | International Touring Alliance |
AIToxicologists | Association of Inhalation Toxicologists |
AKMS | Arab Knowledge Management Society |
AMCA | AMCA International Inc. |
AMPP | Association for Materials Protection and Performance |
ANEC | The European consumer voice in standardisation |
ANF HQ | Thailand Science Park Project |
ANNA | Association of National Numbering Agencies |
ANRRC | Asian Network of Research Resource Centers |
AOAC INTERNATIONAL | AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Association of Analytical Communities |
AOCS | American Oil Chemists' Society |
APAC | Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation Incorporated (APAC) |
APDS | Alliance for Parking Data Standards Ltd. |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APF | Asian Packaging Federation |
APIMONDIA | International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations |
APO | Asian Productivity Organization |
APPLiA | Home Appliance Europe |
AQUATIL | aquatil gGmbh |
ARC/IPRG | Apiceutical Research Centre / International Propolis Research Group |
AREA | Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance |
ARGE | The European Federation of Locks and Building Hardware Manufacturers |
ARIA | Americas Research Industry Alliance |
ASAM | Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM e.V.) |
ASD-STAN | AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization |
ASEAN Cosmetics Association | ASEAN Cosmetic Association (ACA) |
ASEF | Active Shipbuilding Experts' Federation |
ASI | Aluminium Stewardship Initiative |
ASIC | International Association on Coffee Science - ASIC |
ASIS | ASIS International |
ASLM | African Society for Laboratory Medicine |
ASM International | ASM International |
ASQ | American Society for Quality |
ASTM | ASTM International |
ATIBT | International Technical Tropical Timber Association |
ATIS | Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions |
ATPA | Asia Toy and Play Association Limited |
ATSC | The Advanced Television System Committee |
ATTA | Adventure Travel Trade Association |
AUF | Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie |
Avicenna Alliance | Avicenna Alliance |
AVS | Audio Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China |
AWDC | Antwerp World Diamond Centre |
AYICC | The African Youth Initiative for Climate Change |
- Taking part
- Who develops standards
- Organizations in cooperation