The Bahamas Bureau of Standards became a correspondent member of ISO in 2013. BBS will specialize in standardization, metrology, testing, and quality assurance services
The BBS main functions will be to:
- prepare, promote and generally adopt standards on a national, regional or international basis; and facilitate implementation of standards in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas;
- certify those products, commodities, processes, services and quality systems that conform to the national standard;
- collect and disseminate information on standards and related technical matters nationally, regionally and internationally;
- maintain testing laboratories, for the purpose of testing and examining commodities, products, materials, processes, practices and services and in so doing, conduct such investigations or research as may be necessary;
- test precision instruments, gauges and scientific apparatus both for the purpose of determining their accuracy and calibration, and the calibration of standards used in industrial and commercial activities;
- co-ordinate the efforts of producers and users of materials, products, appliances, processes methods and services for the improvement of those materials, products, appliances, processes, methods and services;
- do such other things as may be necessary to provide for standardization in The Commonwealth of the Bahamas;
- inform policymakers on standardization and related technical matters.
BBS also has membership with the following organizations:
Bahamas Bureau of Standards & Quality
1000 Bacardi Road
Source River Center
Тел.: +1 242 362 1748/55
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