В ИСО было разработано более 25781 международного стандарта, которые включены в каталог стандартов ИСО.
Найти интересующий вас стандарт вы можете тремя способами:
С помощью МКС (Международный классификатор стандартов). МКС является средством классификации стандартов по отраслевому признаку, например, электротехника или целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность
- С помощью ТК (технические комитеты). Стандарты ИСО разрабатывают эксперты технических комитетов, которые занимаются всеми возможными темами, начиная от резьб и заканчивая морскими перевозками. Щелчком мыши по ТК открывается обзор всех стандартов, опубликованных этой группой экспертов.
- С помощью каталога стандартов по ключевому слову или номеру стандарта (все стандарты ИСО пронумерованы), например, чтобы найти стандарт ISO 9001 можно ввести в поисковую строку «менеджмент качества» или «9001».
Стандарты на стадии разработки открыты для комментариев. Здесь вы можете найти список стандартов, которые в настоящее время находятся на данной стадии. Чтобы прокомментировать их, свяжитесь с вашим национальным членом ИСО.
Комитет | Заголовок |
IEC/ISO JSyC BDC | IEC/ISO Joint Systems Committee on Bio-digital convergence (IEC/ISO JSyC BDC) |
IEC/ISO JTC 3 | Quantum technologies |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 | Information technology |
ISO/TC 1 | Screw threads |
ISO/TC 2 | Fasteners |
ISO/TC 4 | Rolling bearings |
ISO/TC 5 | Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings |
ISO/TC 6 | Paper, board and pulps |
ISO/TC 8 | Ships and marine technology |
ISO/TC 10 | Technical product documentation |
ISO/TC 11 | Boilers and pressure vessels |
ISO/TC 12 | Quantities and units |
ISO/TC 14 | Shafts for machinery and accessories |
ISO/TC 17 | Steel |
ISO/TC 18 | Zinc and zinc alloys - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 19 | Preferred numbers - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 20 | Aircraft and space vehicles |
ISO/TC 21 | Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting |
ISO/TC 22 | Road vehicles |
ISO/TC 23 | Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry |
ISO/TC 24 | Particle characterization including sieving |
ISO/TC 25 | Cast irons and pig irons |
ISO/TC 26 | Copper and copper alloys |
ISO/TC 27 | Coal and coke |
ISO/TC 28 | Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources |
ISO/TC 29 | Small tools |
ISO/TC 30 | Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits |
ISO/TC 31 | Tyres, rims and valves |
ISO/TC 33 | Refractories |
ISO/TC 34 | Food products |
ISO/TC 35 | Paints and varnishes |
ISO/TC 36 | Cinematography |
ISO/TC 37 | Language and terminology |
ISO/TC 38 | Textiles |
ISO/TC 39 | Machine tools |
ISO/TC 41 | Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) |
ISO/TC 42 | Photography |
ISO/TC 43 | Acoustics |
ISO/TC 44 | Welding and allied processes |
ISO/TC 45 | Rubber and rubber products |
ISO/TC 46 | Information and documentation |
ISO/TC 47 | Chemistry |
ISO/TC 48 | Laboratory equipment |
ISO/TC 51 | Pallets for unit load method of materials handling |
ISO/TC 52 | Light gauge metal containers |
ISO/TC 54 | Essential oils |
ISO/TC 58 | Gas cylinders |
ISO/TC 59 | Buildings and civil engineering works |
ISO/TC 60 | Gears |
ISO/TC 61 | Plastics |
ISO/TC 63 | Glass containers |
ISO/TC 67 | Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy |
ISO/TC 68 | Financial services |
ISO/TC 69 | Applications of statistical methods |
ISO/TC 70 | Internal combustion engines |
ISO/TC 71 | Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete |
ISO/TC 72 | Textile machinery and accessories |
ISO/TC 74 | Cement and lime - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 76 | Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use |
ISO/TC 77 | Products in fibre reinforced cement - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 79 | Light metals and their alloys |
ISO/TC 81 | Common names for pesticides and other agrochemicals |
ISO/TC 82 | Mining |
ISO/TC 83 | Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment |
ISO/TC 84 | Devices for administration of medicinal products and catheters |
ISO/TC 85 | Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection |
ISO/TC 86 | Refrigeration and air-conditioning |
ISO/TC 87 | Cork |
ISO/TC 89 | Wood-based panels |
ISO/TC 91 | Surface active agents |
ISO/TC 92 | Fire safety |
ISO/TC 93 | Starch (including derivatives and by-products) |
ISO/TC 94 | Personal safety -- Personal protective equipment |
ISO/TC 96 | Cranes |
ISO/TC 98 | Bases for design of structures |
ISO/TC 100 | Chains and chain sprockets for power transmission and conveyors |
ISO/TC 101 | Continuous mechanical handling equipment |
ISO/TC 102 | Iron ore and direct reduced iron |
ISO/TC 104 | Freight containers |
ISO/TC 105 | Steel wire ropes |
ISO/TC 106 | Dentistry |
ISO/TC 107 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings |
ISO/TC 108 | Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring |
ISO/TC 109 | Oil and gas burners |
ISO/TC 110 | Industrial trucks |
ISO/TC 111 | Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories |
ISO/TC 112 | Vacuum technology |
ISO/TC 113 | Hydrometry |
ISO/TC 114 | Horology |
ISO/TC 115 | Pumps |
ISO/TC 117 | Fans |
ISO/TC 118 | Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment |
ISO/TC 119 | Powder metallurgy |
ISO/TC 120 | Leather |
ISO/TC 121 | Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment |
ISO/TC 122 | Packaging |
ISO/TC 123 | Plain bearings |
ISO/TC 126 | Tobacco and tobacco products |
ISO/TC 127 | Earth-moving machinery |
ISO/TC 130 | Graphic technology |
ISO/TC 131 | Fluid power systems |
ISO/TC 132 | Ferroalloys |
ISO/TC 133 | Clothing sizing systems - size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings |
ISO/TC 134 | Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances |
ISO/TC 135 | Non-destructive testing |
ISO/TC 136 | Furniture |
ISO/TC 137 | Footwear sizing designations and marking systems |
ISO/TC 138 | Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids |
ISO/TC 142 | Cleaning equipment for air and other gases |
ISO/TC 145 | Graphical symbols |
ISO/TC 146 | Air quality |
ISO/TC 147 | Water quality |
ISO/TC 148 | Sewing machines |
ISO/TC 149 | Cycles |
ISO/TC 150 | Implants for surgery |
ISO/TC 153 | Valves |
ISO/TC 154 | Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration |
ISO/TC 155 | Nickel and nickel alloys |
ISO/TC 156 | Corrosion of metals and alloys |
ISO/TC 157 | Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics |
ISO/TC 158 | Analysis of gases |
ISO/TC 159 | Ergonomics |
ISO/TC 160 | Glass in building |
ISO/TC 161 | Controls and protective devices for gaseous and liquid fuels |
ISO/TC 162 | Doors, windows and curtain walling |
ISO/TC 163 | Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment |
ISO/TC 164 | Mechanical testing of metals |
ISO/TC 165 | Timber structures |
ISO/TC 166 | Ceramic ware, glassware and glass ceramic ware in contact with food |
ISO/TC 167 | Steel and aluminium structures |
ISO/TC 168 | Prosthetics and orthotics |
ISO/TC 170 | Surgical instruments |
ISO/TC 171 | Document management applications |
ISO/TC 172 | Optics and photonics |
ISO/TC 173 | Assistive products |
ISO/TC 174 | Jewellery and precious metals |
ISO/TC 176 | Quality management and quality assurance |
ISO/TC 178 | Lifts, escalators and moving walks |
ISO/TC 180 | Solar energy |
ISO/TC 181 | Safety of toys |
ISO/TC 182 | Geotechnics |
ISO/TC 183 | Copper, lead, zinc and nickel ores and concentrates |
ISO/TC 184 | Automation systems and integration |
ISO/TC 185 | Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure |
ISO/TC 186 | Cutlery and table and decorative metal hollow-ware |
ISO/TC 188 | Small craft |
ISO/TC 189 | Ceramic tile |
ISO/TC 190 | Soil quality |
ISO/TC 191 | Animal (mammal) traps - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 192 | Gas turbines |
ISO/TC 193 | Natural gas |
ISO/TC 194 | Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices |
ISO/TC 195 | Building construction machinery and equipment |
ISO/TC 197 | Hydrogen technologies |
ISO/TC 198 | Sterilization of health care products |
ISO/TC 199 | Safety of machinery |
ISO/TC 201 | Surface chemical analysis |
ISO/TC 202 | Microbeam analysis |
ISO/TC 204 | Intelligent transport systems |
ISO/TC 205 | Building environment design |
ISO/TC 206 | Fine ceramics |
ISO/TC 207 | Environmental management |
ISO/TC 209 | Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments |
ISO/TC 210 | Quality management and corresponding general aspects for products with a health purpose including medical devices |
ISO/TC 211 | Geographic information/Geomatics |
ISO/TC 212 | Medical laboratories and in vitro diagnostic systems |
ISO/TC 213 | Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification |
ISO/TC 214 | Elevating work platforms |
ISO/TC 215 | Health informatics |
ISO/TC 216 | Footwear |
ISO/TC 217 | Cosmetics |
ISO/TC 218 | Timber |
ISO/TC 219 | Floor coverings |
ISO/TC 220 | Cryogenic vessels |
ISO/TC 221 | Geosynthetics |
ISO/TC 222 | Personal financial planning - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 224 | Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems and services |
ISO/TC 225 | Market, opinion and social research |
ISO/TC 226 | Materials for the production of primary aluminium |
ISO/TC 227 | Springs |
ISO/TC 228 | Tourism and related services |
ISO/TC 229 | Nanotechnologies |
ISO/TC 232 | Education and learning services |
ISO/TC 234 | Fisheries and aquaculture |
ISO/TC 238 | Solid Biofuels and Pyrogenic Biocarbon |
ISO/TC 241 | Road traffic safety management systems |
ISO/TC 244 | Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment |
ISO/PC 245 | Cross-border trade of second-hand goods |
ISO/TC 249 | Traditional Chinese medicine |
ISO/PC 250 | Sustainability in event management |
ISO/TC 251 | Asset management |
ISO/TC 254 | Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices |
ISO/TC 255 | Biogas |
ISO/TC 256 | Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders |
ISO/TC 258 | Project, programme and portfolio management |
ISO/TC 260 | Human resource management |
ISO/TC 261 | Additive manufacturing |
ISO/TC 262 | Risk management |
ISO/TC 263 | Coalbed methane (CBM) |
ISO/TC 264 | Fireworks |
ISO/TC 265 | Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage |
ISO/TC 266 | Biomimetics |
ISO/TC 267 | Facility management |
ISO/TC 268 | Sustainable cities and communities |
ISO/TC 269 | Railway applications |
ISO/TC 270 | Plastics and rubber machines |
ISO/TC 272 | Forensic sciences |
ISO/TC 274 | Light and lighting |
ISO/TC 275 | Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal |
ISO/TC 276 | Biotechnology |
ISO/TC 279 | Innovation management |
ISO/TC 281 | Fine bubble technology |
ISO/TC 282 | Water reuse |
ISO/TC 283 | Occupational health and safety management |
ISO/TC 285 | Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions |
ISO/TC 286 | Collaborative business relationship management |
ISO/TC 287 | Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products |
ISO/TC 289 | Brand evaluation |
ISO/TC 290 | Online reputation - STANDBY |
ISO/TC 291 | Domestic gas cooking appliances |
ISO/TC 292 | Security and resilience |
ISO/TC 293 | Feed machinery |
ISO/TC 295 | Audit data services |
ISO/TC 296 | Bamboo and rattan |
ISO/TC 297 | Waste collection and transportation management |
ISO/TC 298 | Rare earth |
ISO/TC 299 | Robotics |
ISO/TC 300 | Solid recovered materials, including solid recovered fuels |
ISO/TC 301 | Energy management and energy savings |
ISO/PC 302 | Guidelines for auditing management systems |
ISO/TC 304 | Healthcare organization management |
ISO/PC 305 | Sustainable non-sewered sanitation systems |
ISO/TC 306 | Foundry machinery |
ISO/TC 307 | Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies |
ISO/TC 308 | Chain of custody |
ISO/TC 309 | Governance of organizations |
ISO/TC 310 | Child care articles |
ISO/TC 312 | Excellence in service |
ISO/TC 313 | Packaging machinery |
ISO/TC 314 | Ageing societies |
ISO/TC 315 | Cold chain logistics |
ISO/PC 317 | Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services |
ISO/TC 319 | Karst |
ISO/TC 321 | Transaction assurance in E-commerce |
ISO/TC 322 | Sustainable finance |
ISO/TC 323 | Circular economy |
ISO/TC 324 | Sharing economy |
ISO/TC 326 | Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs |
ISO/TC 327 | Natural stones |
ISO/TC 328 | Engineered stones |
ISO/PC 329 | Consumer incident investigation guideline |
ISO/TC 330 | Surfaces with biocidal and antimicrobial properties |
ISO/TC 331 | Biodiversity |
ISO/TC 332 | Security equipment for financial institutions and commercial organizations |
ISO/TC 333 | Lithium |
ISO/TC 334 | Reference materials |
ISO/PC 335 | Guidelines for organizations to increase consumer understanding of online terms and conditions |
ISO/TC 336 | Laboratory design |
ISO/PC 337 | Guidelines for the promotion and implementation of gender equality |
ISO/TC 338 | Menstrual products |
ISO/TC 339 | Small hydropower plants (SHP plants) |
ISO/TC 340 | Natural gas fuelling stations |
ISO/TC 341 | Heat supply network |
ISO/TC 342 | Management consultancy |
ISO/PC 343 | Sustainable development goals management |
ISO/TC 344 | Innovative logistics |
ISO/TC 345 | Materials for specialty technologies |
ISO/TC 346 | Mechanical energy storage technology |
ISO/TC 347 | Data-driven agrifood systems |
ISO/PC 348 | Sustainable raw materials |
ISO/TC 349 | Cultural heritage conservation |
ISO/TC 350 | Creative digital design |
ISO/TC 351 | Contact centers |
ISO/WS ESG | Framework for implementing environment, social and governance (ESG) principles |