Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Access to quality healthcare is an essential human right. ISO has numerous standards supporting safe, quality medical practices and equipment that help healthcare providers deliver a more reliable and effective service.
These include standards on sterilization methods, medical devices, surgical implants and instruments, health informatics and related products, among other areas of focus. Notable examples are the ISO 11137 series for the sterilization of healthcare products by radiation and ISO 7153 on materials for surgical instruments.
ISO also develops standards to help local governments promote health and well-being in their communities, such as International Workshop Agreement IWA 18, Framework for integrated community-based life-long health and care services in aged societies, and ISO 37101 for the sustainable development of communities.
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- In this free brochure, learn more about ISO’s international standard for occupational health and safety and what it can do for your organization.
3935 standards are helping to meet SDG 3
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